Veena’s Story

  Over the last year I’ve been dipping into a book about dyslexia in the workplace.  I expected it just to help me in a work context but I actually find it just as helpful for my personal development.  (You can find details of it at the end of this blog post.)  The book isContinue reading “Veena’s Story”

A CV of Failures

Last year I was invited to be one of the speakers at a high school assembly about our career journeys. The architect, business woman and teacher who had preceded my own talk all spoke about the subjects they chose at school and the degrees they went on to accomplish to enter the roles they wereContinue reading “A CV of Failures”

Action Plus Reaction Equals Interaction

This poem was originally published in Issue 8 of Blether Stories: “I have come here for a bit of a blether.” Is what some might say. In the event of social interaction. My reaction is action (get away, far away). Action plus reaction equals interaction. My reactions are unusual. Not normal! But then – WhatContinue reading “Action Plus Reaction Equals Interaction”

A Busy Week of Volunteering

A couple of weeks ago, I had an enjoyable and busy week. I was helping at Dyslexia Scotland. This included helping set things up for Dyslexia Awareness Week and the Education Conference in Glasgow. I became an origami expert in folding the boxes for our ribbons. Helping with all the laminating, posting and of courseContinue reading “A Busy Week of Volunteering”

Continuing to ease positive change nationally

Dyslexia is a condition that has no cure, unlike some of the myths around this. I like many others have struggled with reading, writing all my life. Dyslexia is a term that is sometimes associated with Dyspraxia (affects neuro functions) or Dyscalculia (ability with maths). A common trend is that those with dyslexia feel stupid,Continue reading “Continuing to ease positive change nationally”

What I learned at DyslexiFest

Last Saturday, I escaped a drizzly afternoon by visiting Scotland’s first-ever dyslexia festival. The one-day event took place in The Lighthouse in Glasgow. Tucked down a wee lane, The Lighthouse is not the easiest building to find, but it is one of Glasgow’s architectural gems. It was designed by Charles Rennie Mackintosh and it isContinue reading “What I learned at DyslexiFest”

Dyslexia: Its time has come

Creativity, problem solving, resilience: exactly the type of personal characteristics employers are looking for in an information-driven, post-industrial work environment. When detail and minutia become challenging, we take to the higher ground and see the bigger picture. Story telling becomes a way of life when simple facts and data are difficult to absorb. Abstract thinkingContinue reading “Dyslexia: Its time has come”

Dyslexia Workshop

July arrived and so did the sun, rain and wind, but no weather could deter from the enthusiasm and talent of the children I had the delight of sharing the Dyslexia workshop with. As the children stepped through the door of The Barefoot Sanctuary into the workshop the energy rose up and excitement and nervesContinue reading “Dyslexia Workshop”

Book Review – ‘How Can I Remember All That?’

Today’s blog is a review of the book ‘How can I remember all that?” by Tracy Packium Alloway (Jessica Kingsley Publishers). It is reviewed by Sonia Edwards.  Children identify the daily difficulties they can experience with Working Memory but often they do not understand the reason they are having difficulty.  Through Tommy, a funky characterContinue reading “Book Review – ‘How Can I Remember All That?’”